"Stop Selling! Accelerate Your Business" three-day workshop on 26th-28th June, Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia
(too old to reply)
Joe L
2007-04-20 06:05:25 UTC
STOP SELLING! Accelerate Your Business!
- an experiential program for more sales, a high-class image and
improved profitability -

Date: 26th-28th June 2007
Venue: Legend Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

"STOP SELLING" - a three-day professional sales training that equips
you with ideas on how to achieve more sales when you "stop selling".
Sounds impossible? Many people who have benefited from this program
and have skyrocketed their sales can attest that it is actually

"STOP SELLING" is MORE THAN skills training. We aim to achieve a
positive change in the salesperson's belief systems. Furthermore our
approach goes beyond the "consultative selling method". We understand
that in this complex and sophisticated world, it is not unrealistic to
expect a sales professional to fully understand his prospect's
situation. Hence, we don't consider "selling" or spending time
understanding the prospect situation as his number one task. Instead,
his number one task is ASSISTING the prospect in discovering his own

The "Stop Selling" approach allows you to help your prospect make a
decision sooner than if he had to figure everything out by himself. In
that sense, you act as a coach to the prospect and shortens the time
needed to reach a decision, thus reducing the length of the sales
cycle. Since you are "helping" your prospect and not "selling" to
them, you will enjoy a whole new LEVEL of TRUSTING RELATIONSHIP with
your prospect. You will gain the RESPECT you always wanted and when
there is real trust, the prospect will speak the truth and thus
eliminate the "misleads".

For more information:
Global Intelligence Network (M) Sdn Bhd
Tel : (603) 40216000
Fax : (603) 40235716
Email : ***@gin-my.com
2007-04-21 23:49:10 UTC
Post by Joe L
STOP SELLING! Accelerate Your Business!
- an experiential program for more sales, a high-class image and
improved profitability -
Date: 26th-28th June 2007
Venue: Legend Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
"STOP SELLING" - a three-day professional sales training that equips
you with ideas on how to achieve more sales when you "stop selling".
Sounds impossible? Many people who have benefited from this program
and have skyrocketed their sales can attest that it is actually
"STOP SELLING" is MORE THAN skills training. We aim to achieve a
positive change in the salesperson's belief systems. Furthermore our
approach goes beyond the "consultative selling method". We understand
that in this complex and sophisticated world, it is not unrealistic to
expect a sales professional to fully understand his prospect's
situation. Hence, we don't consider "selling" or spending time
understanding the prospect situation as his number one task. Instead,
his number one task is ASSISTING the prospect in discovering his own
The "Stop Selling" approach allows you to help your prospect make a
decision sooner than if he had to figure everything out by himself. In
that sense, you act as a coach to the prospect and shortens the time
needed to reach a decision, thus reducing the length of the sales
cycle. Since you are "helping" your prospect and not "selling" to
them, you will enjoy a whole new LEVEL of TRUSTING RELATIONSHIP with
your prospect. You will gain the RESPECT you always wanted and when
there is real trust, the prospect will speak the truth and thus
eliminate the "misleads".
Global Intelligence Network (M) Sdn Bhd
Tel : (603) 40216000
Fax : (603) 40235716
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